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Wildfire Resiliency

Whitman County is hosting a virtual public meeting to share information about its draft Community Wildfire Protection Plan (CWPP) on Wednesday, January 22, 2025 from 6 - 8 pm. The CWPP is a comprehensive plan designed to address wildfire concerns specific to the county. The collaborative planning process has included representatives from local, state, and federal agencies. By having this plan in place, Whitman County will be eligible for additional federal wildfire mitigation grants. The CWPP is scheduled to roll out in spring 2025.


Whitman County Community Wildfire Protection Plan: Virtual Public Meeting
Date: Wednesday, January 22, 2025
Time: 6:00pm-8:00pm (PT)

Join the meeting here.

As part of funding awarded by the Washington State Conservation Commission, PCD is seeking to provide technical and financial assistance for homeowners residing within the PCD boundary. Staff members are available to visit properties and provide one-on-one advice for conducting a home ignition zone risk assessment, hazardous fuels reduction, forest health improvements, defensible space creation, and more. Cost-share funding is also available for homeowners to assist with hazardous vegetation removal, with priority status granted to those living in rural- and urban-wildland interfaces and rural communities within the PCD boundary.


Click here to view a map of the PCD boundary. If you live within Pine Creek CD or Rock Lake CD boundaries, click here for more information on their available wildfire programs.


Click here to view a map of the USDA fire exposure risk for all structures in Whitman County as determined by the USDA and U.S. Forest Service. To find the exposure risk for your home or property, click the magnifying glass icon in the bottom left of the map and type in your address. Different colors on the map represent specific wildfire exposure risks, ranging from very low or no exposure to direct exposure. The USDA and U.S. Forest Service define exposure as the intersection of wildfire likelihood and intensity with communities. Communities can be directly exposed to wildfire from adjacent wildland vegetation or indirectly exposed to wildfire from embers and home-to-home ignition.


If you are interested in receiving technical or financial assistance for wildfire resiliency on your property, please click the button below.

This program is funded by a grant from the Washington State Conservation Commission.

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For more information on our wildfire resiliency program and available funding, please contact:
Chuck Svendgard | | (509) 553-1858

Conservation Talk Series | Wildfire in Whitman County
Conservation Talk Series | Wildfire in Whitman County
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Conservation Talk Series | Wildfire in Whitman County

Conservation Talk Series | Landscaping and Gardening in Wildfire Country
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Conservation Talk Series | Landscaping and Gardening in Wildfire Country

Wildfire Resiliency Resources
The following resources provide information on wildfire resiliency. Click the title of each resource to access it.

American Society of Landscape Architects

ASLA is a national professional association of landscape architects. They provide a list of educational resources related to “Resilient Design” that covers a broad array of universal and region-specific fire-safety topics, including safe home and community landscape design, prescribed fire, and wildfires and climate change.


InciWeb is an interagency risk incident information management system designed to provide the public with a single platform for incident-related information and incident reporting. Includes an incident tracker and links to other organizations’ interactive maps, reports, and statistics.

National Fire Protection Association (NFPA)
NFPA is a non-profit organization and leading global advocate for fire risk reduction. They focus on code and standards development, professional training, public education and advocacy, and research. NFPA also administers Firewise USA, a USDA program that promotes the development and recognition of fire-safe communities. Included on the website are links and downloadable materials for reducing risk at home and in the community, maps of current Firewise sites, and current wildfire incident maps.

Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) of Washington
NRCS is an agency within the USDA that offers technical and financial assistance for landowners and communities to implement projects focused on conservation and sustainability of soils, water, and other natural resources. There are several programs for landowners at the state level that address needs related to erosion mitigation, water quality improvement, wildlife habitat expansion, and wetlands restoration. Under NRCS’s Conservation Stewardship Program, landowners can qualify for assistance under the category of “Climate-Smart Agriculture and Forestry Mitigation Activities,” which includes fuel breaks and fuels reduction projects. A PDF with a list of qualifying practices and related enhancement activities can be found here.

U.S. Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)
FEMA's website includes information on wildfire exposure risk and frequency across the United States. They also have resources specific to wildfire in the Wildland Urban Interface, including videos, handbooks on creating a Community Wildfire Protection Plan, and information on training opportunities.

U.S. Forest Service "Wildfire Risk to Communities"
Wildfire Risk to Communities is an online resource created by the U.S. Forest Service in 2018. It is “a free, easy-to-use website with interactive maps, charts, and resources to help communities understand, explore, and reduce wildfire risk.” It is designed to help public leaders such as elected officials, community planners, and fire managers understand and work with risk in their area. 
•    Explore wildfire risk by metric in different locations here
•    Explore this page to access information regarding evacuation readiness, resistant homes and land use planning, and hazardous fuels mitigation.

Washington Department of Natural Resources - Wildfire Resources
The Washington Department of Natural Resources manages 5.6 million acres of the state’s forest, range, agriculture, and commercial lands. In the realm of wildfire resilience, Washington DNR’s vision is to create pathways for communities in Washington State to adapt, prepare, and recover from wildfire. Available through this agency are resources such as the Community Wildfire Defense Grant, links to wildfire protection plans from different Washington communities, information on outdoor burning regulations, an Eastern Washington planting guide for fire-resistant species, and smaller-scale support such as cost-shares and micro-grants for risk reduction at the residential level (see the Wildfire Ready Neighbors Program).

Whitman County Department of Emergency Management
Located in Colfax, WA, “the mission of the Whitman County Department of Emergency Management is to protect people, property, and the environment through increasing the readiness level to mitigate, prepare for, respond to, and recover from major emergencies and disasters.” Though not solely fire-specific, residents can sign up for the Emergency Notification System and find resources for making a general emergency preparedness kit and preparedness plan. 

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