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Research & Monitoring

Our Program

Our Research & Monitoring team is active year-round in the field and lab processing water and soil samples.  Testing for parameters such as soil particle concentrations, oxygen levels, and excess nutrients in our water systems enables Palouse CD to measure the success of our past and current conservation projects.

Are you interested in helping us collect data on water quality? Join Confluence Crew, our new community science water quality monitoring program! For more information and to sign up, view our program page.

Click here to jump to our list of online soil health and water quality resources.

Our Projects


North Fork

Palouse River

View a time series map of fecal coliform bacteria levels

in the North Fork


South Fork

Palouse River

View water quality data

collected on the

South Fork


National Water

Quality Initiative

Read the Readiness Watershed

Assessment for the

Spring Creek-Union Flat Watershed

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Paired Watershed


View paired watershed studies

exploring riparian buffers and tillage in Cow, Kamiache, & Thorn Creeks

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Check out our crop residue mapping tool to estimate crop residue and vegetation indicators

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View a summary of pesticide and

other chemical data collected

from Dry Creek

For more information, please contact:

Ryan Boylan  |  (509) 553-1847 |

Diana Salguero-Gaibor | (509) 553-1085 |

Gabby Hannen | (509) 553-3282 |

Soil and Water Resources

Soil & Water Resources
Soil resources

Soil Resources
The following resources provide information on soil health, including why it is important and what you can do to improve your soil. Click the title of each resource to access it.

Building Soils for Better Crops
Building Soils for Better Crops is a guide to ecological soil management that contains step-by-step information on soil-improving practices, an in-depth background on soil science, and case studies of farmers from across the country.

Soil Health Institute
The Soil Health Institute is a non-profit whose mission is to enhance the vitality and productivity of soil through scientific research and advancement. The Institute works to identify gaps in research and adoption, develop strategies and funding to address those gaps, and ensure that research benefits agriculture, the environment, and society.

Washington Soil Health Initiative
This is a partnership between the Washington State Department of Agriculture, Washington State University, and the State Conservation Commission. WaSHI advocates for soil health, providing research, education and outreach, and funding opportunities.

WSU Soil Health Research
Access articles and recent research published by the WSU Soil Health Research Center.

SARE: What is Soil Health
Sustainable Agriculture and Research Education (SARE) provides an interactive webpage that describes soil health, explains why it is important, and provides information on how to improve it. Soil Health
USDA resources for farmers that discuss best practices, the principles of soil health, and service center locations.

NRCS Washington
Washington's National Resource Conservation Service soil health home page.

WSU Wheat and Small Grains

WSU Wheat and Small Grains extension center and resources.

Cover Crop Selection Tool
This Cover Crop Selection Tool for Idaho, Oregon, and Washington is a guide to help growers and conservation planners select cover crop species adapted to their climate, soils, and the purposes of the cover crop.

David Brant Educational Videos: YouTube
David Brandt has been farming 1150 acres with no-till and cover crops since 1971. He has participated in yield plots for corn, soybeans, and wheat and has been a case study for seed growers, county agents, and universities to encourage other farmers to adopt no-till practices. He also plants various blends of cover crops to determine their benefits to soil health.

SmartMix Cover Crop Calculator

The SmartMix calculator creates a custom cover crop mix that’s just right for your field. With easy-to-use educational resources, it can help you identify the strengths and weaknesses of your selections and craft a mix that will serve you well.

Gabe Brown Educational Videos: YouTube
Gabe Brown is a pioneer of the current soil health movement, with a focus on regenerating our resources. Gabe, his wife Shelly, and his son Paul own and operate Brown's Ranch, a diversified 5,000-acre farm and ranch near Bismarck, North Dakota.

Soil Health Sit Down: YouTube Playlist
Hosted by Palouse Conservation District, the Soil Health Sit Down is a virtual conversation with producers, industry professionals, and researchers about soil health. This producer-driven event encouraged dialogue surrounding cover crops, companion crops, and alternative cropping systems on the Palouse.

Water Resources
The following resources provide information on local water quality and best practices for supporting our water resources. Click the title of each resource to access it.

Model My Watershed
Explore the impacts of human activity within your local watershed.

HCT Fields - Planner Tool
Use this interactive tool to help you place future Best Management Practice (BMP) projects.

Washington Department of Ecology Water Quality Atlas
Use this mapping tool to visualize water quality data across Washington State.

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