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Palouse Conservation District

Upcoming Talk 11.09.23 | Chronic Wasting Disease

Join us on Thursday, November 9th at 6:00 pm via Zoom for the next installment of our Conservation Talk Series! We will be joined by Dean Nizer, Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, for a discussion on where Chronic Wasting Disease is located, what is being done now, and what will be done in the future to prevent and monitor it.

Pre-registration is required in order to receive the Zoom meeting link.

Unable to join us for this presentation? The recording will be posted here a week after the presentation.


About our speaker

Dean Nizer is a Chronic Wasting Disease and Private Lands Technician and is also the Interim Private Lands Biologist for Spokane and Whitman County with the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife. He has worked for the agency for over a year. Previously, Dean worked with the Palouse-Clearwater Environmental Institute as an AmeriCorps member, Idaho Fish and Game as a fish hatchery technician, Eco Logical Research as a fisheries specialist, and other agencies aiming to preserve and perpetuate fish and wildlife. Dean earned his Associate Degree at Mt. Hood Community College in Fisheries Technology, then attained his Bachelor’s Degree from the University of Idaho (U of I) in Natural Resource Conservation Sciences. Dean continued at U of I for his Master's in Natural Resource Conservation - Integrated Natural Resources. In his spare time, Dean enjoys hunting, fishing, camping, and gardening with his wife and two boys. He has lived in the Palouse for 7 years now and doesn’t plan on moving anytime soon!

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