Learn from area farmers about cover cropping, intercropping, integrating livestock, and emerging research and technologies at the Sixth Annual Palouse Alternative Cropping Symposium on Thursday, February 27, 2025 from 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM. The event will be held at the Whitman County Palouse Empire Fairgrounds outside Colfax, WA.
Registration for this event has closed. If you were hoping to join us and did not register by the deadline, reach out to ElizabethS@PalouseCD.org. Thank you!
$10.00 registration fee. Register by February 19th.
This farmer-focused program will feature short presentations from area growers and networking breaks for informal dialogue and catching up with your community. Lunch is provided.
For questions, contact RyanB@PalouseCD.org or (509) 553-1847.
9:30 AM Coffee & Networking
10:00 AM Welcome
10:05 AM Producer Panel
Ian Clark, Clark Farms
Ariel Zakarison, Zakarison Farms
10:35 AM Cover Crop Composition, Not Diversity, Shapes Soil Microbial
Communities and Legacy Effects on Winter Wheat
Bronte Sone, University of Idaho Soil and Land Resources
11:05 AM Break
11:20 AM Diversifying and Direct Marketing
Allen Widman, Palouse Pastured Poultry
11:35 AM Talk Title TBD
Chris Eckhart, Eckhart Farms
12:05 PM Lunch
12:50 PM Ten Years of Hill Top Repairs
Doug Schuster, Westfield Properties
1:20 PM Insights from Year Two of the Pacific Northwest Cover Crop
Decision Aid System Grant
Cami Ditton, University of Idaho Soil and Water Systems,
and Bruce Petty, Farmer
1:50 PM Break
2:05 PM Millet, Peaola, and Cover Crops
Jason Bishop, Living Heritage Farms
2:35 PM Farmers Leading Our United Revolution in Soil Health
Ryan Boylan & Diana Salguero-Gaibor, Palouse Conservation District
3:05 PM Closing Remarks
Thank you to our sponsors!
